Friday, January 2, 2009

She asked: What were we thinking having a New Year's Party? He replied: It'll be fine. You know what?! It was great!

Thank you to everyone who rang in 2009 with us! We had a wonderful time and hope you did too!

The week before New Year's we decided to remove all the insulation in the cantilever on the back side of the house and spray with foam insulation. We had to order the insulation online (remember the pics of the haz mat suit?) and it arrived right before New Year's. So Dec. 30th we decide to remove all the bat and spray in the new stuff-hoping to make the basement warmer for all the ping pong enthusiasts. We were a bit disappointed in the amount of time and the continuing lack of heat in the basement. But out with the old and in with the new!

Mark also reworked the electrical around the front door and the living room french doors, we re insulated, put up the vapor barrier and sheet rocked around both doors. We were going to try and plaster before the party but insulating the basement took a little bit longer than expected.

So here we are Jan. 2nd, 2009 and not much has changed from 2008. We took off the 1st and rested up from the week's of entertaining and working. No rest for the weary-today I've been cleaning up from the party and Mark is getting all the wall's prepped for plaster. Our camera's on the fritz so I'll post pics as soon as I can. The great thing about 2009 is that we will be working on the interior of the house-the bad thing about 2009 is that we will be working on the interior of the house!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's not true you two did a LOT in 2008. you should do a year list to sum up everything that has been worked on/replaced/fixed, etc. it will probably be a bigger list than you think...