Sunday, March 29, 2009

He said "I think we should try and refinance." She replied, "We don't have a front door."

Good Thing we still went for the refi anyways - in the midst of our destruction, construction, designing and shopping. But we locked in at 4.875% for a 30 yr fixed-pretty excited about that one! So the refi is complete, Mark is done with ski season so now it is game on with the house. The last couple months were definitely nice, but I'm very excited to start seeing some progress again. We've decided the next big thing to tackle is the kitchen and in true Stankey fashion we decide to do TWO - I mean if you're doing one already, how hard is the second?! We have decided to make the basement into a one bedroom apartment - hence the 2nd kitchen. So to make room for the kitchen in the basement we need to begin with moving the laundry room. Good bye shop-hello laundry! I'm sure I'll have plenty of new photo's and stories soon. Nothing like a little adventure to get us ready for Summer. Since we had a new oven to replace our old double oven (that hasn't worked since October, 2008) I asked Mark to remove the old one and put the new one in. Mark did but now there is something wrong with the wiring - not really the oven. ugh! Oh well, I've gone this long with out an oven-what's a few more days/months. At least we can grill!

1 comment:

littlepammy said...

If it makes you feel better, I probably wouldn't even know if my oven hadn't been working all year!