Thursday, October 9, 2008

He said: Did you just get the butter out of the fridge?" She said, "Nope""

Last Sunday, after a long weekend of smelling paint fumes and bondo we sat down for dinner. Sat at the dining room table for a good hearty dinner of stew that had been simmering in the crockpot all day, french bread and a glass of wine. That is when Mark asked the titled question. Now, you have all probably noticed that it has been getting down into the 40's at night and with plywood for windows it's kind of frivolous to turn on the furnace. But man-if my mom hadn't brought over a space heater and an electric blanket last weekend I may have moved back in with the rents! It's 5:45 and my body is already frozen for the evening so this is going to be a rough one.

The good thing is the windows and doors will be delivered tomorrow!!! Yay! My father-in-law, Doug, and possibly our friend Kevin are going to help Mark put in windows this weekend.

The paint crew is making huge strides and will actually paint the front of the house tomorrow. This weekend I will finish burning the paint off the bedroom windows for the crew to sand and paint next week. Wow! 3 weeks has gone by fast! Once the doors are in place, I'm gonna crank the heat to 110 to make up for all the shivering I've done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so why was the butter frozen?