Wednesday, September 24, 2008

He said "We got 40 pallets for the cabin, how was your weekend?" She said, "Fantastic!"

While I'd love to tell you about my fun weekend with the girls - Pizza Nea, Nye's for Karaoke, Golf, Antiquing in Stillwater, dinner on the Freighthouse Patio - I know you aren't really looking for those details. So while I was playing, Mark took off for the cabin with Paul and Sara. Mark's Dad, Doug, surprised them all with a visit and helped them get the 2nd load of pallets for our eventual Pallet Cabin. Thanks Paul and Doug for helping!

Many of you get a glazed look in your eye's when I mention a "Pallet Cabin" so I'll attach photo's of the Pallet Barn (Scott and Paul's).

They drove into Duluth to loll furniture where they picked up the 40 pallets. Just a couple heavy loads! The pallet size is 5' x 12' so they are not light. And since Mark has been home he is realizing how "not light" they were with a decent amount of kidney pain lately-aghhh, kidney pain.

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