Wednesday, September 24, 2008

He said "We got 40 pallets for the cabin, how was your weekend?" She said, "Fantastic!"

While I'd love to tell you about my fun weekend with the girls - Pizza Nea, Nye's for Karaoke, Golf, Antiquing in Stillwater, dinner on the Freighthouse Patio - I know you aren't really looking for those details. So while I was playing, Mark took off for the cabin with Paul and Sara. Mark's Dad, Doug, surprised them all with a visit and helped them get the 2nd load of pallets for our eventual Pallet Cabin. Thanks Paul and Doug for helping!

Many of you get a glazed look in your eye's when I mention a "Pallet Cabin" so I'll attach photo's of the Pallet Barn (Scott and Paul's).

They drove into Duluth to loll furniture where they picked up the 40 pallets. Just a couple heavy loads! The pallet size is 5' x 12' so they are not light. And since Mark has been home he is realizing how "not light" they were with a decent amount of kidney pain lately-aghhh, kidney pain.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

He said, "I know I have a lot to do here but the pallets are ready." She is thankful for a weekend with out loud noises!

The last 2 days have been wonderful. No more holes, no loud hammers or saws making the dogs anxious, but tonight that ends once again. Paul (Mark's cousin and pretty amazing all around guy) is coming over to help Mark remove the last window, at least in this phase. Then the waiting game for the windows really begins - should be soon. Yay!

This weekend I will have some more quiet time as craziness part 2 begins. This summer Paul came up with an idea to build a Pallet Barn on the Stankey family land south of Duluth. Check out the Pallet Barn at It went up really quickly this summer and Paul offered Mark his Pallet connection - loll furniture, so they are going up to Duluth this weekend to get 36 pallets that will eventually be a cabin for us. In our spare time...

On the link you will also be able to view Paul & Sara's and Scott, Krista and Aaron's cabin-you've never seen more beautiful storage containers than what they designed.

Well the noise has begun so I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

He said, "Do you think we should measure that?"

Wow, First off I have to say that my husband is pretty ambitious. Some may say crazy (some of those being me) but even with the rain this weekend. Mark removed: 1 window in our stairwell, 1 window in the living room, 7 foot section of plaster, 4 foot section of stucco, re framed the opening for the new patio door off the living room, removed the plaster from below the kitchen window (that will be the next and dare I say last window removed) at least for now. Everything has been boarded back up and waiting the arrival of the new windows and doors. My Dad, Paul, and Ben all helped through out the weekend - Thanks guys! And yes-we currently have red carpet, pink counter tops and red /white floral wall paper. Surprisingly, the wall paper I will miss. Did I mention that our oven finally bit the dust this weekend. It's a bummer - vintage 60's, very cool.

Friday, September 12, 2008

He said, "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

If you have never been to a recycling yard-you need to go at least once in your life! It's a whole other world and every time I go I learn something new. Every time-is six times since the renovation began. I'm partial to Re-Alliance Steel in Minneapolis but I know other's who like Scrappy's.

And this is ridiculous to say but ladies if you feel comfortable going - go! Everyone there is much nicer to me than they have been to Mark and my Dad.

Our pile of aluminum in the photos started as the trim on our house. We (Mark did go twice today) hauled 3 truck loads to Re-Alliance that was worth roughly $350. Not bad for a day off-too bad it needs to go back into the renovation...bummer.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

She said, "Will you let me in Please?"

Straight from work I met up with the girls for dinner at Koi in Minneapolis. I arrived home to have our front door gone and wall replaced. From the inside I can see where eventually our new door will go. But to get inside was a bit of a challenge :) My car was missing our garage door opener and we no longer had a front door-good thing Mark answered the phone and let me in. What a trooper-working so hard and his wife goes out to dinner with the girls. Thanks ladies "(Sara, Heather, Anna & Suz) great night - lot's of laughter and even some heated politics! Yay for Madison!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

He said "I'm going to tip out the front wall" She said "What?!"

I arrived home today expecting to have a 10 x 10 foot whole in the front of my house where the front door used to be. I am actually pleasantly surprised that I can't see through my house. Granted, it's plywood obstructing my view but it's much better than a wide open hole.

But the best was the phone call I received at work today.
"Lindy, you must answer your phone anytime I call today. What if I am injured?" - Mark
Lindy's thoughts: what?! Call 911!