Friday, September 12, 2008

He said, "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

If you have never been to a recycling yard-you need to go at least once in your life! It's a whole other world and every time I go I learn something new. Every time-is six times since the renovation began. I'm partial to Re-Alliance Steel in Minneapolis but I know other's who like Scrappy's.

And this is ridiculous to say but ladies if you feel comfortable going - go! Everyone there is much nicer to me than they have been to Mark and my Dad.

Our pile of aluminum in the photos started as the trim on our house. We (Mark did go twice today) hauled 3 truck loads to Re-Alliance that was worth roughly $350. Not bad for a day off-too bad it needs to go back into the renovation...bummer.

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